Basic commands
System Commands
System Commands
File & Directory Management
File & Directory Management
List all files + details
List all files recursively
Read raw binary data
Look for a given word inside a file
Count number of lines in a file
Print Working Directory
Print full path of a file/directory
Copy recursively
Find all .txt files
Find files larger than 10MB
Search the entire filesystem for any match with the regex pattern
Updates the database used by locate
Look file from the database
Full path of a binary
Creates a new file/Update timestamps
Delete directory
Process Management
Process Management
List details for process
Show a detailed process tree with wide output
Show process tree for a specific user
Show process IDs (PIDs) with the tree view
Show real-time process stats
Get the current process ID
Kill a process
System Management
System Management
Print Info about the system
Print Environment
Shows details about all block devices
List PCI devices
Display Disk Usage
Show the size of files and directories in the current directory
Shows the 10 largest directories on the system
Display RAM info
Displays the maximum allowed size of a process's lockable memory
Put a process in the background
List all process in the background
Puts a process into the foreground
Display overall system performance stats
Print stats every 5 seconds
Print stats every 5 seconds for 10 iterations
Show the system uptime
Show info about current login user
Display login records
Display bad login attempts
Shows log as they are written
Shows logs from the current boot
Shows logs from the previous boot
Shows logs from a specific service
Shows logs from a time range
Show logs by priority level
Priority Levels:
Priority Levels:
Shows logs for a specific process
Shows logs from the kernel
Show kernel and boot messages
User/Group Management
User/Group Management
Display user and group ID of the current user
id from a specific user
Edit sudoers file
Switch to the root user
Switch to another user
User Management
User Management
Creates a new user
Creates a new user with home directory and bash shell
Add user to the sudo group
Set or change password
Set zsh as default shell
Create group
Delete Group
Add user to group
Permission & Security
Permission & Security
File Ownership
File Ownership
Set file permissions to rwxr-xr-x
Adds read permissions for all users
Add execution permission
Change file owner and group
Change group ownership
Prevent world-writable files
Access Control Lists
Access Control Lists
Show the ACL
Grant read/write permissions to 'user' on file.txt
Security Policies
Security Policies
Display the current SELinux mode
Disable SELinux
File Integrity
File Integrity
Generates a SHA256 file
Generates a MD5 hash
Initialize the Tripwire database
Check the integrity of the system
Generate a report
Networking Command
Networking Command
Display network interfaces and their IP addresses
Display IP addresses of all network interfaces
Bring interface up
Show networks accessible via the VPN
Show listening TCP/UDP ports
Show listening ports and services
Show listening ports for a process
Display the Routing Table
Add a route
Delete a Route
Add a Default Gateway
Change a route's metric
Trace the network path to
Decrypt the system
Decrypt the system
Decrypt partition
Mounts the decrypted device
Mounts the boot partion
chroot into a mounted partition
Connect using
Connect using
Shows the current connection status for the wpa
Creates the passphrase
Connect using passphrase
Boot/UEFI Management
Boot/UEFI Management
Displays the current boot entries in the UEFI firmware
deletes the boot entry "0"
help to keep file integrityCheck hashes to avoid file corruption
Generate hash
Encode File + Redirect Output
Encode String + Redirect Output
encoding, by default, some implementations add line breaks every 76 characters (following theRFC 2045 standard
Encode File Without line break
Encode String without line breaks
Safe URL encoding
Decode String + Output to a file
Decode File + Output to a file
Decode File without line breaks
Last updated